Our Services

The services we offer you are of the highest quality.

Listed below are services offered by the Fusion One program.

  1. PRESENTATIONS - The Fusion One Presentation Bureau was created to provide the highest quality presentations and presenters to groups, organizations and businesses that would -in many cases- be unable to afford the high cost of these services and professionals. The lectures, workshops, training and seminars presented are taken from the Fusion One holistic health and self-healing system and covers a wide array of topics and subject areas. More!
  2. PUBLICATIONS- In addition to the clothing, accessories and training enhancements that it carries, the Fusion One online store also displays a number of Fusion One and other publications. These learning aids include books, wall posters, mini-posters and more . As new publications are made available, they are added to the existing list. Visit the store!
  3. PERSONAL TRAINING- We have been helping folks regain their fitness and good health for many years. We offer only the highest quality personal training services. More!
  4. SMALL GROUP TRAINING - Our "small group" training service is designed to address particular fitness and health concerns and help solve existing problems. More!
  5. SPECIAL CLASSES - Special Fusion One classes are taught at various locations and are sponsored by schools, colleges and universities; health, fitness and wellness facilities; adult and senior living facilities; clubs; community and other groups; organizations and businesses. The aim of the classes is to offer the concepts, principles and practices of Fusion One to interested persons and help them acquire the unique benefits of the program. More!
  6. TARGETED HEALTH SERVICES - This important service targets a number of health concerns and makes use of special programs to address them. Existing programs include: pot belly reduction, balance improvement, stress management, weight management, nutrition and healthy eating, body cleansing and maintenance, joint strengthening, and re-mobilization training. More!


It should be noted that no book, course or website can, or should, take the place of  the personalized and professional advice or service that is offered by your physician, health advisor or other trained and certified professional. Yet, you do have the right to, and should, educate yourself as to those products and services that are available to assist you in your efforts to stay safe and reclaim and/or maintain your fitness and good health. The contents of this web site are intended for educational purposes only, and should not be used as a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment for specific medical conditions. Furthermore, the web site's contents are not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease. You should always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care professional regarding a medical condition or questions you may have. Your use of the contents of this website is entirely voluntary. Before using said contents, you should consult with your physician or health advisor.


It is a newsletter and blog for practitioners, members, supporters and friends of Fusion One! 


The newsletter is for your personal use only. For commercial and other uses, contact Tiririka Inc at: 941-421-8784

Live. Love. Laugh.